"Educate children and there will be no need to punish men."

- Pitágoras -

Our thank you for the year 2024!

Our History
Who we are
Our Mission

About the Institution

We are an educational, philanthropic, charitable and social welfare institution. In addition, we are a group of people of good will who dream and work to leave a better world for our children and to enable them to grow up in a dignified and fruitful way.

Founded on March 2, 1998 by the Paul of Tarsus Spiritist Center as an extension of the service to needy families who benefited from the donation of basic food baskets, to promote the dignity of families by allowing mothers a safe and educational environment to leave their children to work.

The purpose of Educandário AGB, within the limits of its financial and human resources and physical space, is to provide social, moral and educational assistance, as well as food and clothing, to underprivileged children between the ages of four (4) and seven (7).

You can see the result of your good deed here!

Follow our promotions, events and projects

carried out with children in our community.

Follow-up our development since 1998

Historic Video

Pay us a visit!

Rua das Mangueiras, 120 , Alegre
Timóteo, Minas Gerais - 35181-046 - Brazil

Mondays to Fridays
7:00h - 17:00h