Be part of our family!

Help our Institution to continue bringing hope and dignity to these little hearts!

Why do we need your support?

Toy by toy and brick by brick, the Institution has taken shape thanks to countless collaborations over the years. Many people, like you, have passed through our history and left their mark on every blade of grass planted in the garden.

As we are a philanthropic institution helping needy families, there is no charge for children to stay. We currently have four full-time employees. In addition, we have facilities that require constant maintenance, as well as the need to promote improvements for the children's well-being.

Who benefits from the institution?

Many hearts and souls! Children and families in vulnerable situations are assisted by the institution. We don't just do daycare work, but also provide complementary assistance by donating food, clothes, etc.

We attend to 30 little ones a day, who benefit from 3 meals a day, a bath, the use of psycho-pedagogical and didactic material, cleaning and personal hygiene, etc.

Campaign Goals

  • Providing security and pay stability for our employees.

  • Ensuring quality food for the children.

  • Ensuring that the facilities are properly maintained and fully functional.

  • Investing in toys, teaching materials and instruments needed for recreational and learning activities.

PIX Contribution


BanK Cora

Agency: 0001

Account: 4248520-3

CNPJ: 09.447.804/0001-08

PIX Key: 09447804000108